Save money by hosting your web site with! No longer does affordable pricing mean poor quality of service. We provide our customers with industry-leading web site maintenance, web hosting, and web design services for very affordable prices. When you join our family you are not a dollar amount. All our clients are on first name basis with us and we want you to be the next satisfied customer that grows along side us. Our goal is to have you as our next satisfied client, for life!
30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: We ensure that you, our customer, are 100% satisfied by providing you with a 30 day money-back guarantee. We stand by our services and believe that they are the best in the industry when it comes to customer service. Refer to our Terms of Service for more information. |
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99% UPTIME: We ensure that your web site will have a minimum of 99% uptime! Click here to see an example of our uptime as recorded by the leading independent uptime tracking company. |
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SERVERS: uses only quality brand-name servers, from brands such as IBM®, equipped to be redundant and reliable so that your web site is always online and running smoothly. All of our servers either run Dual Intel® Pentium or Xeon processors to ensure that the load on the server is low. |
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HARD DRIVES: uses only Hot-Swap SCSI hard drives running at either 10,000 RPM or 15,000 RPM to ensure blazing fast access speeds, excellent performance, and reliable service. We use RAID-1 Mirroring to protect our customer's data, which means that there are two hard drives handling storage of data instead of one: one hard drive is an exact mirror of the other, so that if one fails the mirror takes the place of the other and the server runs as normal without data loss. |
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MEMORY: In keeping with's philosophy for redundancy and reliability, we only use Error Correcting Code (ECC) memory in our servers, to ensure that data running in memory does not get corrupted. |
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POWER SUPPLY: All of's servers are equipped with at least two redundant power supplies, each of which can handle the full load of the server. If one of the power supplies fail then the other seamlessly takes over the power load and no disruption to service occurs. |
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OPERATING SYSTEM:'s servers use the Fedora Core™ Linux operating system, because we have found that the performance offerrings, and out-of-box security features are second to none. The Linux operating system in its own nature is very secure, and with the modifications done by our technicians we are able to secure it even further making it harder to compromise our servers. |
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UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY: All of our equipment is powered by an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), which provides power during brown-outs and spikes, or keep the servers online until the generators can be started in the case of an extended power failure. |
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GENERATORS: In addition to having Uninterruptible Power Supplies, has Generators that can power all of our equipment for an extended period of time in the case of a power failure. These generators ensure that our equipment runs smoothly in the case of power failures. |
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PHP Hypertext Processor: We at use the PHP scripting language to power our web sites because PHP is operating sytem independent allowing us to run the same web application on any operating system supported by PHP with little or no modification, and because PHP itself is very extensible allowing us to accomplish very complex web applications with ease. |
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MySQL Database: Every server that we deploy has MySQL installed so that our customers who wish to use it are able to easily. MySQL has become one of the industry leading database applications over the years and many web applications use it to store data. |
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PostgreSQL Database: While we run the MySQL Database server, we also run the PostgreSQL Database server so that clients who wish to use this database software have the option to without having to request a custom installation. |